100th episode

F e r r y b o a t s

Welcome to the



What started as a one night stand
... and resulted in falling in love

F o r e v e r is gonna start tonight
Meet the lovely couple

True love is never easy to find. It requires patience, endurance and faith. But when you find the one for you, you should never let it go. They met in a bar. They both had a thing for ferryboats. Since then, they never let each other go. They are the soul of the Seattle Grace Hospital and they are truly nothing without each other. No matter what happens, and no matter what obstacles stand in their way, they would always be together
f o r e v e r

451. Little_Grey
452. BlueDecember
453. purplestuff48
454. DougandCarolfan2009
454. MovieManiac
455. RubyGrace
456. salmarani18
458. Lyly
459. Robin32
460. LostinTime
461. mima_18
462. dempeo
463. ..Mysha..
464. Jennateluvr87
465. BlueSmartie
466. katie2323
465. BlueSmartie
4467. ~Beloved~



100th episode!
Celebrate a week long the 100th episode with us when we look back at 100 episodes with Meredith and Derek!

Our 10 favorite episodes


. . . a n d
f u t u r t i t l e s;

There are times when we are on different sides but that doesn't last long.
This love is unbreakable
Because no one else can make me feel like you do.
Because they are so hot they cause global warming.
Open your heart, don’t wait any longer

Feel The Silence - Step By Step - Where You Belong - What I'm Here For - Stay - Complications - Staplegunned
Thinking Over - Seriously McMarried - Bright And Shiny - Still Holding On - At The Beginning
Keeping The Faith - It Takes A Village - A Tale Of Two Cities

The Reason - Imagine Me Without You - Grace - Stay - Addicted - I Wil Show You Love - Hero - I Fought The Angels
Used To - Where I Stood - Broken - Chasing Cars - Helpless When She Smiles - Everytime We Touch - You
The Way I Do - All Fall Down - Footprints In The Sand - Feels Like Home - Keep Me Warm - Sorry
More on Youtube

by Nattie

Broken Hearts - Forbidden - Ferryboats - Thursday Morning

e-pompeo.org - ellen-online.de.be - ellenpompeo.net - p-dempsey.com - patrick-dempsey.org

1. Ferryboats
2. Elevators
3. Sex (In Living Rooms, Cars, Beds, Exam Rooms, On-Call Rooms,... - where ever!)
4. Exam Rooms
5. Candles
6. Trailers
7. Bathtubs
8. Hospitals
9. Surgeries
10. Brains/Neurogsurgery
11. Extraordinary Together
12. Kisses/Tippy-toe Kisses
13. Tongues
14. Seattle
15. Clinical Trials
16. Dogs (DOC)
17. Proms
18. Snoring
19. Wax Ear Plugs
20. Glow-in-Dark Condoms
21. Spooning
22. Hair-Sniffing
23. Hair-Pulling
24. Pillow Fights
25. "Friendly" Walks
26. Sharing Water Bottles
27. Hand-Holding
28. Life-Saving
29. Their "Look"
30. Joe's Bar
31. The "Bendy" Thing
32. Closet Comfort
33. Countdowns
34. Black Panties
35. Lavender Conditioner
36. "Knight in Shining Whatever"
37. Victory Dances
38. Champagne
39. Tequila/Single-Malt Scotch
40. Indigo Scrubs/Lab Coats
41. Flirting
42. Taking Advantage
43. Crosswords
44. Markers
45. Cheek kisses
46. Compromises
47. Chatty Children
48. Face Cupping
49. Bar Kisses
50. Diseased Kidneys in Jars ("It glows!")

and ....

credit for the OP : Anne, Lilla, Ana, Haylie, Anke, Martina, Nattie, Anna, Mandie

Scenes - Moments

album password: ferryboats

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